Miley Cyrus Research Paper

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This paper explores the evolution of singer Miley Cyrus from her role as Hannah Montana to Miley Cyrus today. This paper looks at image projected by Cyrus as her Hannah Montana counterpart versus her image now as performer Miley Cyrus. We use the theorist Albert Bandura in attempts to explain Miley’s transition from girl next door to the hypersexual twerker she’s known as today.
The Evolution of Miley Cyrus:
Bandura’s Take on Miley’s Behavior Evolution
Personality theorist Albert Bandura, believes that most behaviors, whether they are good or bad, are learned from observing others (Schultz & Schultz, 2013). Bandura’s research reveals the type of influence that violent shows have on behavior in children, types of parenting behavior affecting …show more content…

It seems every time someone turns around, Miley is pulling another stunt that involves hyper-sexuality and nudity. On tour for the release of her album “Bangerz”, Miley puts on a pretty lewd show filled with sexual innuendos and near nude outfits (FTD News, 2014). The world seems to be waiting to see just how far Miley will go.
Evolution. Clearly Miley wants it to be known that she is done with the Disney, Hannah Montana image. While it is understandable that Hannah Montana was merely a character Miley played, many wonder at the newest images of Miley and what happened.
According to theorist, Albert Bandura, Miley’s behavior can be explained by looking at her role models and behaviors that she grew up watching. In her video, “Miley: The Movement” which aired on MTV, Miley explains how she is merely growing as a person rather than reinventing herself (MTV, 2013). If Miley is modeling behavior she has witnessed in her life, who does Miley consider to be her role models?
In an interview given to Ronan Farrow in 2014, Miley talked about being compared to the likes of Madonna, Blondie, and Joan Jett when it comes to pushing the envelope (Farrow, 2013). In a tell all interview, Miley reveals that Dolly Parton is her primary role model, especially when it comes to how she dresses (Star,

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