Miles And Bell: A Short Story

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Once upon a time, a young boy named Miles really wanted a pet. But Miles didn’t know what pet, eventually he was thinking about having his own dog. So one day his parents got a dog for him for his birthday. He loved his first dog, and would play with his dog named Bell. Have you ever had a great pet but something suddenly happened?
When Miles was about 1 year old, he got a dog named Bell. Miles and Bell would sleep together, play fetch outside, watch tv together. Miles would feed her everyday, because he cared about her. Miles and his family (Mark, Carol, Lindsey) really liked Bell and cared for her. Miles feels great to have a dog to play with.Miles loved Bell very much and was part of Miles‘ and his family. When Bell started to get older, she would not run very much or play. She would usually just sit around mostly the whole day. Miles missed not really having fun with Bell, since she was getting older. Miles says to his mom, “Why does Bell have to get older.” …show more content…

She would also not move very much. She sit or lay down on her side, and not do anything like eat or drink water. Then she would start vomiting from being sick. Miles started to get worried if she was gonna die. Miles‘ family started to get worried too, if she was gonna die or lose a limb. Miles and his family loved her very much also did a few friends.It would be sad to lose a such perfect dog at a age of

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