Mildred D. Taylor's Roll Of Thunder Hear My Cry

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Courage is when you are stepping up when no one else will to fight what you believe in. In the book Roll of Thunder hear my cry The author Mildred D taylor, uses the second oldest, child Cassie Logan as the author of the book describing the challenge she and her siblings face in the book. She showed courageous in mainly three different ways by first defending her brother when he was about to get whooped, second by standing up to To Mr. Barnett and talking back to him, and finally helping stacey Bring T.J. home. Cassie is really the only one Who is willing to stand up for herself and her family. She is able to speak her mind without being afraid Are you able to stand up and speak up to someone being unfair, or misunderstood. Cassie did not want to get mistreated or treated unfairly, by Mr.barnett, she was not afraid to speak her mind. So she asked if he would get her stuff. Cassie did not want to sit their and wait for people to purchase their things even though she had been there longer. To show this she said ¨We been waiting on you for near an hour,¨ I hissed, ¨while you ´ round here waiting on everybody else. And it ain't fair.This proves that Cassie knows that Mr. Barnett is being unfair when she waits and waits, so she speaks her mind and askes.Some of the time you should speak up when no one else will. Still not …show more content…

“ I cried for T.J, and the Land. This proves that she still cares for T.J. even though he has done some bad things to him, and to the logans. Some of the time you should forgive, and

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