Michael Brown Murder Case

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Ferguson the little adjunct town of Missouri, where not much but a normal day proceeds. Until the day of August ninth of twenty fourteen. A young man was shoot by a Ferguson police officer. Michael Brown (the man that was shoot), was only eighteen years of age and he was shot by Darren Wilson (the police officer) sparked controversy in that little town of Ferguson. Many questions were asked on who was actually at fault. Was it Browns fault for assaulting the officer or was it Wilsons fault on the case of police brutality. There are always people that are going to try to make the other look bad because they supposedly saw what happened, but did they really. The fact of it being is that you may never find out the truth because Michael is dead and the only one that knows the absolute truth is Wilson, seeing he shot Brown, and that is also if he is telling the correct situation of the matter. Mike Brown shouldn’t have been shot, he was an un-armed man, but was he really innocent? The day was August ninth, the law enforcements had gotten a call about a convince store robbery; just …show more content…

Dorian Johnson, the friend of Michael’s, said that the cop was yelling at them to get off the street using profane words. That doesn’t seem likely, then that the cop had reached through the window at Brown and started to strangle him. This seems to be a bunch of low balling going on. Of Course Johnson is going to stick of for his friend and try to make Wilson looks even worse than he already is by over exaggerating, but that’s too far. It seems that Wilson was a wrong when he shot Brown being he was an unarmed man. All of the people that had seen the accident happen exulted the situation to a point where people believe that really happened. That really sparked tension between the law of Ferguson and the Civil Community. Protest broke out, from peace to rage

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