Mexican Independence Day Essay

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Independence Day. The day that the entire country rallies together to celebrate one of the biggest parts of its history. Mexico, who has a large population of Mestizo people, had a very interesting turn of events when it came to fighting for independence from Spain. Spain had full control over the colony, only permitting limited trade opportunities and restricting it from other privileges. It only makes sense that the people would rebel and they took their chances when the King of Spain, Ferdinand VII was kidnapped. The Mestizo and the Criollo, which are people from Spanish descent, started forming groups in rebellion to the Spanish crown. Most of which were discovered, and immediately taken down, but one of these groups seemed to raise to the top, seeing that many Spanish Royalists were helping. On the night of September 15, the plan was found out, and in a desperate attempt to save Mexico a man named Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla gave the speech of the century.

El Grito de Dolores, or The Cry …show more content…

The army consisted of mixed raced people, all diverse fighting for one thing. Under Agustín de Iturbide, Mexico was declared a constitutional monarchy after The Treaty of Córdoba was signed in 1821. As the picture shows, Hidalgo’s speech played a pivotal role, to the point where every independence day, a version of the speech is delivered. Also, another important factor is Lady Guadalupe, who is shown on the banner and was spoken about in the Cry of Dolores. She plays a significant role in the Aztec history, and in the Mestizo’s culture. This shows the different people who worked at gaining independence. The Aztecs, the Mestizos and the Criollo, it was their combined effort that gave them the strength to fight back against the government, against Spain. Inevitably, history will repeat itself, and we can only hope that next time the outcome will be just as

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