Metamorphosis Theme Essay

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One of the most curious aspects of The Metamorphosis was the fact that Gregor sincerely cared for his family members even though none of them really showed any appreciation towards the young man and what he had done for them. Gregor himself, however, remained blissfully ignorant of this fact for most of the story. Later on, after he morphed into an insect, the true feelings of his family were revealed, and Gregor came to the realization that they, in fact, did not love him unconditionally. Familial responsibility and alienation were underlying themes presented throughout this short story. Franz Kafka examined the untraditional and rather twisted relationship between the main character, Gregor, and his family members to further emphasize these themes. At the beginning of the novella, Gregor was the one who worked hard to support his family, when the family themselves did …show more content…

“If I didn’t hold back for my parents’ sake, I would have quit long ago…” (4) All of the family’s funds and expenses were based solely on Gregor’s income. He was unhappy and discontented with his current occupation, yet he had to keep it for it was a stable source of revenue. The imbalance in the responsibility distribution resulted in strained relationships between the family members, though mainly between Gregor and his father. Gregor also alienated himself from anything that was unnecessary. He developed a habit “of locking all the doors during the night even at home.” (6) Kafka used this image as an example of how Gregor subtly isolate himself as a result of the weight of his role as the only money provider in the family. When the job shifted to become his father’s, a sense of instability was displayed when “his father had put the worst interpretation on Grete’s all-too-brief announcement and assumed that Gregor was guilty of some outrage” (35). The burden of financial responsibilities on a single person, again,

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