Metalloids Essay

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Properties of Metalloids Metalloids are elements that share properties of both nonmetals and metals. They usually share physical properties with metals and chemical properties with nonmetals. Although they are not as good at conducting electricity and heat as metals, metalloids can still act as semiconductors; they can act as conductors in the right condition. Metalloids are solid at room temperature and are semiconductive. Being semiconductive means that, in the right conditions, metalloids can conduct heat and electricity. Because of their metallic physical properties, metalloids most commonly appear to be lustrous and brittle. Metalloids’ nonmetallic chemical properties allow metalloids to form alloys with metals and be weakly acidic. Metal-metalloid alloys such as pewter and Babbitt can be used in porcelain and electrical motors alongside other uses. Metalloids on the Periodic Table of Elements Currently, there are 118 known elements found on the periodic table of …show more content…

Metalloids can be applied in almost all aspects of life. From being used in gum and toys to technology and spacecraft, metalloids are very useful. For example, Silicon can be used in electrical insulators, fabric softeners, hair sprays, hand creams, furniture, polishes, paints, adhesives, and gum. While Arsenic is used for bronzing, the hardening of lead in shotgun shells, and as a dopant, because metalloids are semiconductive, Antimony could be used in making bells, tools, printing presses, batteries, alloys, bullets, and cable sheathing. Furthermore, Tellurium is used to build electronics and make metals easier to cut. Tellurium is also used in coloring glass, porcelain, enamel, and ceramics. Lastly, Germanium is used in fluorescent lamps, infrared spectroscopes, and infrared detectors. Together, metalloids have many applications that can be used to create and upgrade certain

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