Essay On The Periodic Table

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Introduction The periodic table, used worldwide by scientists, teachers and students, for quick location of information about elements. The periodic table did not come by overnight though, the periodic table is a table formed from years of work, on the atomic structure. It all started years back with Democritus and his discovery of the atom. This was followed up by John Dalton many years down the track, after elements had been discovered Dalton attempted to create a way to make the elements easier to remember. 84 years later, JJ Thomson discovered electrons, which were key to the periodic table, and in 1889, Dmitri Mendeleev invented the periodic table. Years later Henry Moseley worked out how to measure atomic numbers of elements, and just 9 years after Neil Bohr explained the structure of the atom which further explained why Mendeleev had placed each element in a specific row or column. Finally James Chadwick discovered the neutron in 1922. Democritus In back in the times of Ancient Greece in the year of 460 B.C., Democritus & Leucippus proposed that everything in the world was made up of atoms. He also proposed that atoms were indestructible, there were an infinite number of them and between them there is empty space. Democritus formed views on the atomic structure, such as its shapes and connectivity. Democritus also claimed that atoms were of different sizes, but was unsure of the weight of atoms. Democritus’ discovery of the atom is the basis of elements, which is the basis of the periodic table. Without the discovery of the atom, the periodic table would never exist. John Dalton In 1803, John Dalton published a list of elements. He tried to make a system to make the elements easier to remember and write. The original ... ... middle of paper ... ...ia Britannica. 2014. law of octaves (chemistry) -- Encyclopedia Britannica. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 14 May 2014]. Dmitri Mendeleev - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. 2014. Dmitri Mendeleev - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 14 May 2014]. Democritus – early physics and philosophy of atomism . 2014. Democritus – early physics and philosophy of atomism . [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 14 May 2014]. John Dalton�s Periodic Tables. 2014. John Dalton�s Periodic Tables. [ONLINE] Available at:'s%20periodic%20tables.htm. [Accessed 12 May 2014].

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