Mental Wellness Paper

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One of the most frequently asked questions by peers and myself is, “How do they do it?” How do all these students keep their priorities in check and their grade point average above a 3.0? Through discussion and articles read in class, it is clear how important it is to be mentally well on campus. There are many factors that can bring us down in college and one must learn how to shield the stress or make it less severe. There are several ways to promote mental wellness and studies suggest that mental health leads to success in life. This paper will dive into the elements of mental wellness and the results of maintaining one’s image. Mental wellness is defined by our emotional, psychological and social statuses of well-being. Being mentally well …show more content…

Both wealthy and poor students must deal with mental health. Both smart and not-so-experienced intellectuals go through mental struggles. In this stressful environment it is necessary to learn how to cope with the daily stressors that occur. Being mentally healthy makes you prepared for emotional obstacles and creates a foundation for a positive mindset. In other words, if a traumatizing event were to happen right now, you would be able to handle it with less struggle. This is because you are more fit, healthy, and happy and not as sleep deprived as you would be otherwise. Mental wellness stabilizes the rest of your body and your cognitive processes, making school and everyday stressors less grueling. Essentially, there is an equilibrium of happiness that you must maintain as you go through life. Through the highest ups and lowest downs, your happiness level continues to balance out at an average point. If you already have healthy habits, then you are less worried about the maintenance of your …show more content…

It made me feel social and happy when I went to meetings and saw so many people I knew. I am so grateful for the academic advisors BSP administered to me. My advisor kept me motivated, on task, and helped me balance work and social life. The things I learned about in the CSP seminars were relevant to my college career and helped accommodate me to handle the difficult classes. In one article, it talked about how much the work industry belittles mental health. “‘We have no mandatory vacation or sick day requirements, and we do have chronic layoffs, overwork, and stress. Working in many organizations is simply hazardous to your health." And thus to the health of your company as well. "I hope businesses will wake up to the fact that if they don't do well by their employees, chances are they're not doing well, period,’” said Pfeffer in the Arianna Huffington post. This demonstrates how necessary it is to our companies to dispense graduates who are mentally in-tact. Like this article, BSP presented so much substantial learning, but also spread awareness about the dimensions of wellness. This created an understanding environment and introduced the significance of maintaining

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