Mental Health Multidimensional Analysis Paper

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Mental Health Multidimensional Intake Form Critique An important element of any social work practice is the assessment process, whereby the social worker gathers the information needed to better understand and analyze the client’s needs and strengths (Hepworth, Dewberry Rooney, Rooney, & Strom-Gottfried, 2013, p. 186). While the assessment is, in actuality, an ongoing and evolving process that can change as the client’s goals adapt, a critical form of assessment occurs at the time of initial contact between the social worker and client when the social worker gathers a multidimensional history from the client. Multidimensional assessments are important due to the interrelatedness of diverse factors that often contribute to human behavior, including …show more content…

The questions are direct and do not feel superfluous. There are not any questions that do not belong and there appears to be an adequate number of questions within each category for the clinician to develop an overview of the client’s background and presenting problems. Are the questions reading level appropriate for the clients? The Mental Health Form appears to be written for an adult audience, or for the guardian of a child under the age of 18. For clients with limited English proficiency, or low literacy level, some language used in the form may be confusing or misunderstood. For example, under “Current Symptoms Checklist,” words such as “libido” and “impulsivity” may not be understood by all clients. Is there enough space to write what is needed in each answer …show more content…

It is unknown whether or not this particular intake form is available in different languages. English is the only language discoverable at the time of this writing. Blank Intake Form (see page 6) Summary The form used for this critique contains many useful components for the purpose of completing a multidimensional assessment. The form is well organized and easy to follow. Compared to much longer assessment forms, this one is comprehensive without feeling overwhelming. Some minor modifications could make this form even more useful to practitioners serving diverse populations. In particular, translations in other languages is of paramount

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