Mental Health Care Should Not Be Taught In Schools

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Psychological well-being is everybody's business. We, as a whole, have times when we feel down or pushed or terrified. Insignificantly most of those emotions pass by but, once in a while they form into a major issue which could happen to anybody. The sources of this illness are undetermined as it could develop from variety of reasons such as family problems, stressful life events, fear of failure, physical health, social and genetic problems. It has severe but common impacts that students face such as anxiety, depression, or even worse, self-harm and suicidal thoughts. It is an institution’s duty to ensure their students wellbeing. Many may feel that mental health care should not be taught in schools. However, learning how to maintain good …show more content…

The best way to approach this problem is to be your own best friend, and get up to fight for your greatest health and happiness. There is no cure to this illness but there is control which takes an effort from everyone and the victim as well. Slowly, step by step, opening up to people can be a challenge but expressing your emotion is necessary as communication is the key. In addition, setting small targets and achieving them is another accomplishment. Gradually, involving oneself in activities will increase self confidence, gain self love and respect. Others should raise awareness of these mental health issues to educate themselves; by listening to one another, understanding the pain and struggle the sufferer is going make it easier for them by showing respect and trusting them to make it till the …show more content…

It is imperative that children look for support from their family first and then their teachers, if needed, and they could achieve the full support in the treatment of their loved one by paying great attention and support to sufferers who initially come out as shy, not outgoing and having a wider view on things in order to accept and comprehend your child’s point of view. Additionally by being available for them at all times as their sole support and confidante will facilitate such patients in overcoming their problems and move onto self-help in ways like being open about their agreements and disagreements. Frequently sharing their thoughts and opinions will boost their confidence as well as teach them from a very basic level that failures and trials only make the best of the person and it’s never the end of the road. Such comprehensive targets and initiatives will develop an educational system schools, not just take into account the professional or career based lives of their students but also make them mentally

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