Mendocino College Raku Firing Research Paper

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Mendocino College Raku firings start with glazing outdoors as the gas in the kiln is lit. The pieces are then loaded into the kiln until the temperature rises to about 1800 degrees F, then we peer through the spy hole to see if the cone has changed. When the cone looks like it has melted, it is time to take to take the pieces out of the kiln. For safety, we wear protective clothing made from 100% cotton, closed-toe shoes, heat resistant gloves/mask, and use long-handled steel tongs. Items are then removed from the kiln and placed into a covered metal container filled with a combustible material such like newspaper and sawdust to provide a reducing atmosphere for the glaze. After the shredded newspaper begins to ignite, the lid is placed on to remove the oxygen, extinguishing the flames. Once the pottery is removed from the can, it is usually left out to cool, then cleaned with Comet Bleach Powder. …show more content…

The slightest variation in thickness causes the glaze to change color. Potters often use special formulas to make a glaze containing high copper contents which create a rainbow of colors. Carbon is trapped in the glaze which creates a crackle effect as the piece cools down. When a copper based glaze is used, the reduction can cause red and cuprous lusters. White crackle glazes have black lines on the surface to give it a cracked appearance. Black matte surfaces are created in unglazed areas due to the smoke from the fire. It is during this phase where all of the magic happens and the colors start to form as the flames begin to remove the oxygen from the glaze changing its chemical

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