Memory In The Giver

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In The Giver by Lois Lowry, Jonas’s community only has a generation of memory. They only have their lifetimes or less to remember what happened. People in this modern society would be better with memory. There are many reasons why memory is so key for a civilization. If this world’s memory of all history was lost then there would be a lot of confusion about rules because there would be no Constitution, also people would be making the same mistakes over and over again because there would be no history to remind the humanity of those mistakes, and there would also be nothing that would hold this country together such as holidays and American traditions. First of all, in Jonas’s community they have very strict rules of what people are allowed to do. In America there is freedom of many things, but also rules that people have to follow in order for a commonwealth to run smoothly. Jonas’s community has rules, but they have no freedom, and they are always being watched. In the modern America there is freedom of speech and everyone has their own …show more content…

Think about it. There would be no Christmas, Thanksgiving, Halloween, and even Fourth of July! Also in The Giver there are not any holidays. In their society, they want everyone to do and believe in the same things. See, not everyone in this world celebrates Christmas. This is because in America everyone has the freedom of belief. No matter their race, gender, or religion. The only thing in Jonas’s community that they look forward to is there age ceremonies, but in this modern world we have birthdays. The day of each year where people honor the day they were born. That is more fun than having a persons name called up on stage and having the audience clap for them. They do not even get presents or a cake. Birthdays are celebrated for an individual and not for everyone on the same day. It would also be absurd if everyone had the same birthday, on the same day, every

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