Meip Gies Research Paper

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Meip Gies was born in 1909. Meip got married in 1941 to a guy named Jan Gies. Meip got prangnet after the war. While they were hiding the police came and arrested the Franks and sent them to a camp where they get killed by the Nazies. Meip did not get to go to the camp witch means that she did not die from the Nazies. Meip had her baby in 1950. Her son’s name was paul. Her son did not get taken away to camp or by nazies. Meips child is still alive. Meip died in 2010 and her son has moved on and had kids. Paul has 3 kids nammed Erwin, David, Jeanine. In agust 1994 Meip tries to go to the police and ask them to get the people in hiding relesed. Meip started to write a book about the hiding nammed “Memories of Anne Frank” D-Day was when the alie forces lanched a naval, air and land assult against the nazies. D-Day …show more content…

D-Day happend on June 6, 1944. This D-Day is the best known D-Day in history. D-Day and H-Hour are used for the day and hour on which a combat attack or operation is to be

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