Mein Kampf: My Struggle By Adolf Hitler

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In 1924 Adolf Hitler wrote “Mein Kampf”, “My Struggle”, a book filled with hatred. its last passage is this fanatical cry, a state that refuses racial contamination will inevitably dominate the world.
Adolf Hitler, born April 20, 1889 ,he commit suicide on April 30, 1945. how did this Austrian, who came out of nowhere, succeed in conquering Germany? how did he saw the seeds of hatred and violence? and how did Hitler and the Nazis dragged the world into the apocalypse? how was the Hitler phenomena possible? in “Mein Kampf”, Hitler writes: “The First World War was the most unforgettable and most sublime moment in my earthly existence. for four years corporal Hitler has been a courier, carrying messages for Bavaria's 16th infantry Regiment.
he …show more content…

during the first world war Hitler learns utter disdain for the value of human life as do many other soldiers in this terrible conflict. Hitler gradually becomes a fanatical nationalist. also in the trenches the confused idea is born that one day he will bear witness and stand up for his companions in misery. in other words get into politics.
Hitler will always know how to effectively exploit his camaraderie with fellow war veterans, as he does 15 years later in this speech to workers at the Siemens factor succession of events would accelerate his political engagement. on the night of October 13, 1918 a gas shell attack makes him temporarily blind.
He is evacuated to a field hospital and then to Germany. meanwhile, at the front, the Germans are pushed back and many are taken prisoner. hatred of the French is omnipresent, fueled by the victors injurious acts. here, a German soldier's last possession, his pipe, is stolen by a French soldier. prisoners, the soldiers of the Kaiser German Emperor Wilhelm II, try to maintain their dignity as their march to the same French and Belgian villages they've laid waste to over the last four …show more content…

he slowly recovers and eventually regains his site in the Pasewalk military hospital north of Berlin, where the Army treats cases of shell shock.
Hitler recounts that when he learned of the Emperor's abdication the end of the German monarchy in favor of a Republic and the armistice of November 11, 1918 that mark Germany's defeat he heard an inner voice. he states: “this voice called me to free the German people and restore Germany's greatness.”
Hitler will never ceased to exaggerate this event, transforming the hospital into a veritable temple, dedicated to his miraculous mission. above his bust these lines from Mein Kampf will be engraved.
“and so it was that I decided to go into politics”. to this hallucination Hitler will add his obsession. for him the German eagle was stabbed by the Jews. in Mein Kampf he writes: “if we had just once during the war used poison gas on 12 or 15,000 of those Hebrew corrupters of the people the sacrifice of millions of men would not have been in vain. already the end of 1916 the heads of the Imperial Army Field Marshal Hindenburg and is adjutant Gen. Ludendorff and an ill-considered ultranationalist gesture, ordered an account of the Jewish soldiers suspected of unpatriotic

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