Media Influence On Body Image

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For my passion project I have decided to research the media’s influence on female body image. My questions are: How are the standards of feminine beauty presented in the media? What is the impact of the media on women in society? What are the internal and external effects of the media on female body image? What can be done to change this? I choose this as my topic because I have really want girls to embrace their body types and not be bombarded with pressure to obtain the media’s standard of beauty. The standards of beauty that the media demands from women are nearly impossible to achieve, driving women to unhealthy behavior and dissatisfaction with their bodies. Exposure to airbrushed images makes 75% of “normal” weight women think they are …show more content…

I think this topic does make people uncomfortable because they could feel like they are being brainwashed or scared by the power of the media. Not much is being done to solve the impact of the media on females, but there are websites out there that are really inspiring and reject the media’s negative messaged like Beauty Redefined. Women in the media like Tyra Banks also leave a positive impact because they promote a healthy image. My proposed action step is to educate girls of the media and form a website promoting that the message the media sends is wrong. Girls shouldn’t be starving themselves or getting depressed for not looking a certain way, they should embrace who they are and how they look and be confident. I really want to stress that beauty does not mean you have to be a double zero, tall, have flawless skin, and perfectly symmetrical features. I admit, sometimes I do find myself longing to be a “flawless” model and it does take me a moment to realize, no this is wrong. I want girls to know the difference between what is healthy and what is not, and to accept that there is no such thing as perfect. What looks perfect in a magazine is really just a constructed image. My long-term goal is to start a new magazine that features a handful of models who are everyday, beautiful girls of all different body types (curvy, tall, thin, petite, big-boned) that other girls can relate to, not strive to be. These (role) models would also be featured in my magazine not just for their beauty, but also for accomplishments that no other magazine out there today really highlights. For example, saying no to peer pressure, getting good grades in school, being kind, resilient through hard times, going to college. The media is powerful and can be used in a positive way. I want to redefine body image, and use social media to my advantage by broadcasting that what the media promotes is wrong and needs a

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