Mean Girls Essay

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“You can’t sit with us!” this popular quote taken from an it’s equally movie, “Mean Girls”, comes about the fact that Regina George, the most popular girl in school, wore sweatpants on the wrong day of the week and being against the rules her friends banned her from their lunch table. A little over the top punishment from one simple thing, however the movie is just living up to its name. Throughout the one hour and thirty-seven minutes, there are scenes showing backstabbing-boyfriend stealing-selfish friendships, the likes of which can make one wonder. whether this is the way all female-female friendships are like. This type of toxic relationships pictured between women in the media is a harmful message to send out to the public, it creates …show more content…

Women provide a special kind of support that can’t be supplied by anyone else. Gale Berkowitz wrote an article about studies conducted on women, which, in short, showed that women find stress relief in each other’s company and overall, they keep each other healthier- consequently lengthening each other’s life. Berkowitz also shared a quote from Ruthellen Josselson, PhD. to sum up the importance of female relationships, it goes as follows: “… women are such a source of strength to each other. We nurture one another. And we need to have unpressured space in which we can do the special kind of talk that women do when they're with other women.” Contrary to what is sometimes portrayed, female relationships are …show more content…

I have experienced both the good and the bad, as I have mentioned before, and the majority of us will within this long span of our lives. The bad experiences shouldn’t discourage anyone from having girls as friends, these types of situations teach us valuable lessons. We become better at choosing the people we want to spend our time with. We learn how we deserve to be treated and simultaneously learn how to treat others. I for one am very appreciative for the female friends and acquaintances in my life at the moment, they are a group of the most helpful caring women I have met as of

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