Mean Girls And Adolescent Subculture

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The movie Mean Girls, is the most popular and accurate representation of adolescent society in today's adolescent culture. It is sincerely one of my favorite movies because of its satirical portrayal of different facets of high school life. Mean Girls is about a girl named Cady Heron, who relocates from being homeschooled in Africa to high school in the United States. At first, she is naive to the status hierarchy of cliques that are prevalent in the school. But what turns from innocent sabotage of the school's top-of-the-food-chain clique known as "The Plastics" with the first friends that she met upon arrival to the school, becomes her transformation into their cold, hard, shiny, egocentric world. The first aspect of the movie that is comparable to real world adolescent experience is the clique subsystem. On Cady's first day, she is introduced to the organization of the school's hierarchy by the layout of the lunchroom. The cliques shown in the movie are the freshman, the ROTC guys, the Preps, the "cool Asians" and the Asian nerds, the J.V. jocks, Varsity jocks, the burnouts...

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