Maya Angelou Names

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Names are stories. They’re a blessing. They’re dreams for your future. They predict your path. They celebrate you but most importantly, they set the identity of who you are. Everything in this world actually comes with your name. A name determines whether a certain thing is famous and expensive or not. Name’s are very significant. A name is something you refer to someone or something. Name is the first thing decided about you when you are born. Hence name's carry an immense importance in our daily life. In the novel Maya Angelou mentions different names for different places and different people. The names are how we distinguish between the characters in the novel. She mentions her grandmother Momma, her brother Bailey, Stamps, Arkansas and a number of different characters and places. That is how the story progresses and builds up. Names can also perfectly describe a relationship between people. A relationship can be constituted of a number of feelings like love and hatred etc. You call someone a particular nickname because they like or it might annoy the people you dislike. For eg, Bailey called Margueritte ‘Maya’ because he could not say it and Margueritte liked it. That describes a relationship of love and …show more content…

Some might like a certain nickname because it might remind them of where they come from and their childhood or they might as well dislike them because they might find them childish and annoying. I personally had a number of names growing up for example ‘gizh’ the rare slang term translated as ‘skinny guy’ or ‘Bush’ as in President Bush because of my light skin and colored eyes. In the book, the author is referred as Maya by her brother Bailey which she likes as mentioned before and actually changed her name to Maya but when another lady she worked for called her Mary, she dislikes it. Likewise, another character Hallelujah is called Glori and she likes it. It's all about the feelings and

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