Mauna Lora Research Paper

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Mauna Loa, one of the five volcanoes that form the island of Hawaii, erupted at 2:30 Hawaiian time this morning after a large 6.9 measured earthquake. Many flights in the area were canceled because the lava of the volcano spewed over three miles in the air! Fortunately, because the nearest major city from Mauna Loa is Hilo and is 28 miles away, nobody was severely injured. However, an evacuation of the entire city and its 43,000+ population occurred. Unfortunately, there were two people hiking near the large volcano during the eruption, twenty-two year old Robert Parker and twenty-one Lisa Hernandez, who were supposed to get married next month in August. However, according to witness Diego Torres driving home in the distance, they …show more content…

The volcano was expected to erupt soon, but not this soon. Predictions from scientists of the eruption varied from 2018 to 2020. Definitely nobody predicted that it would come this soon in 2016. Mauna Loa, which means “long mountain” in Hawaiian, is located on the biggest Hawaiian island, Hawaii. Even without the eruption of today, Mauna Loa is one of the most active volcanoes in the world. Mauna Loa is an example of a basaltic shield volcano. The volcano is only 600,000 to 1,000,000 years old, which is young for a volcano. The world’s oldest volcano that is still active today is Etna, which recordly first erupted in 1500 BC. Mauna Loa’s first eruption didn’t come until the early to mid-1800s. However, the volcano has erupted a whopping 33 to 39 times since. Mauna Loa is also the biggest volcano and mountain on Earth, measuring 13,678’ in elevation and covers an area of about four acres, or 174,240 square feet, which is equivalent to three football fields! Since Mauna Loa is so far away from cities and people, it cannot put you in risk of dying. If you look at the statistics, you can see that Mauna Loa has never killed anybody and had a death toll of zero, until today, which would go down in Mauna Loa

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