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Volcanoes are holes or vents in the Earth’s crust, created when molten hot magma under the crust

of the Earth is forced upward to the surface. Magma collects in a chamber beneath the crust,

pressure builds up and forces it up through cracks or fissure and a conduit to the surface is

created. Hot gases try to escape but are trapped in the magma. The surface of the Earth begins to

bulge until the pressure can no longer be contained. Gases and fragments are released in a violent

explosion called a volcanic eruption.

A volcano can erupt many times in its lifetime. The material released over many eruptions

gradually builds up a cone shaped mountain. In the center of the mountain is a vent called the

central vent, there can be smaller side vents that come off of the central vent. In many volcanoes

there is a bowl shaped crater at the top of the central vent. Under the volcano there is a large

magma chamber where the magma is. The explosive power of a volcano depends on how much

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