Mass Incarceration: The Silence Of The Judges?

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Family is where many people call home however, mass incarceration tends to shatter that. Prisons have been overcrowding throughout the years. The article “Mass Incarceration: The Silence Of the Judges”, written by Rakoff states that out of two point two million prisoners eight hundred forty thousand males are African American, four hundred forty thousand males are hispanic and one hundred thousand are woman in whom which committed nonviolent offenses are in prison. People should not be put in prison for actions that are not serious as rape, robbery, murder etc. In order for prisons to be less crowded prisoners should be offered programs to help them rehabilitate, programs when they are out of jail, have shorter sentencing depending on crime …show more content…

David Simson from The Wire Creator had an interview on youtube with Barack Obama about The Drug War. In the video “A Conversation with President Obama and The Wire Creator David Simson” Barack Obama and David Simson had a conversation on how the rates on arrest for drug use has increased. David Simson also states that there has been less arrests for rape, robbery and murder. When the action seems to be less harmful to others those people can be punished without being sent to prison. People who commit unharmful crimes such as small burglary or drug possession should be put in house arrest probation or community service. On the other hand, people who commit higher harmful crimes such as murder, rape or robbery should be put in prison.
In the video “A Conversation with President Obama and The Wire Creator David Simson” we can relate back what the article “Mass Incarceration: The Silence of The Judge” states about the rates increasing for arrests on drugs.. Rakoff declares, “Most of the increase in imprisonment has been for nonviolent offenses, such as drug possession.” (Rakoff 590) in which David Simson also declared in the video “The numbers of drug arrest and the incarceration for drug arrest went up.”(Video) According to David Simson these people were in prison for about three months due to the amount of space prison

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