Masculinity And Identity Essay

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In society we have unspoken rules and societal norms that teach us how everyone is supposed to behave. These rules are specific to a person’s sex and gender identity and can be heavy policed if broken or followed too much. These societal norms are based on a gender binary. This binary is the male masculinity and female femininity roles. Male masculinity roles include the man being the bread winner in a family, the man has to fit the hegemonic masculinity ideal male image. This image includes many different factors that men should mold themselves. Some include a man that is strong, can fight, white, rich, straight, smart, and muscular (Wade & Ferree, P. 125)
With male hyper masculinity being a predominate image that is stuck in our heads, part due to institutions and social interactions that …show more content…

Conformity. This is when cultural goals and institutional means can both be obtained. 2. Innovation. This is when cultural goals can be obtained but for institutional means a person may change their values in order to achieve this. 3. Ritualism. This is when cultural goals cannot be obtained but institutional means are still in practice. A person gives up on their higher aspirations in life but still provide a service to society. This could be by working a job and staying in middle class. 4. Retreatism. This is when nether cultural goals or institutional means can be accomplished. This is can occur due to giving up your values. Many people tend to go to drug use or living in the streets. 5. Rebellion. This is when both cultural goals and intuitional means are both sub situation of values. This is by rejection social norms and structures and creating your own views, cultural ideals (Amatrudo, 2009, P. 21) This conformity to rebellion provides evidence, looking at more individual hardships with strain. This can connect to the intersectionality of black males, living in the inner city because we know that the inner cities is where a majority of the crime, lack of resources

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