Martin Luther Influence On Christianity

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Today in our days, there are events, meetings, disagreements, as we like to call between church and ordinary people, such as the issues of contraception, premarital sex life or other more current and controversial issues like abortion are exposed; where the drastic religious position strikes us and makes us think that their values have not evolved through the long time they have dominated the spiritual life of billions of people. Those inconsistencies, such as discrimination for example, are really important to counter today, but it was not really important five centuries ago, in fact was taught to judge, judge, blame and punish any act that person was out of fees imposed by the church, which we were also extremely strict, invasive, to obtain greater control to parishioners and also get through that fidelity of faith as much profit as possible. For centuries Christianity has marked the minds of …show more content…

Martin Luther actions carried out, give way to a freedom, both personal and religious, unprecedented in history. Luther spent much of his life analyzing the Christian faith and scriptures, and in this way where it builds a strong vision of Christian facts that touches face, real injustices, cruelties, incongruities and inconsistencies, that he could not afford overlook, since those aberrations came from the very ecclesiastical authorities, of which indeed he was very disappointed. That is why its reforms sought to respond to a pressing need for the German society of the time, as it was when lacking Christian living. Standing out as one of the major errors of the Catholic Church was the creation of indulgences, which sought to obtain money through the faith of the parishioners, granting them forgiveness of sins and the absolution of punishment in purgatory. Martin Luther wanted to discuss these ideas created by the Church, creating a major dispute between ambition and

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