How Did Martin Luther Impact On Society

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Martin Luther is one of the most important activists in our history. Not only did he start a reform for religion, but he also opened up debate for the church’s authoritarian control over the people of his time. He had a genuine care for his fellow people and wanted them to live their best lives and be able to read and draw knowledge for themselves from the Bible without living in fear of what the church portrayed God to be. Without a doubt, Martin Luther changed history and propelled the human race towards modern day society and it is because of this that I would rank him in the top five people of the past millennium. Martin Luther is the reason that today we have such a diverse choice in religions. He was not the first to propose ideas that conflicted with the Catholic Church, however, he was the first whose ideas caught on with the general townspeople. This was possibly due to the printing press allowing him to efficiently spread his ideas with little effort. He also diligently supported and pursued his ideas. …show more content…

Even the Bible was something that only priest could read, because it was written in Latin. The townspeople could not read Latin, so they had to rely on the church to pass on the word of God and even interpret the Bible for them. Due to this, the people could not come up with their own views on religion and how it should be practiced. They only had the church’s word for it. So, when the church began to claim that people could buy indulgences to eliminate or lessen their stay in purgatory, the townsfolk believed them. Martin Luther disagreed with this and translated the Bible into German, the language of the people, so that they could too read it and draw from it’s stories their beliefs. Just like any leader to stand the test of time, Martin Luther cared for his people and wanted to give them back the right to their

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