Martin Luther, Huldrych Zwingli's Beliefs Within Western Protestantism

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(Hook) The religion of Protestantism came to be when there was the breakup within Western Christianity started by Martin Luther, John Calvin, Huldrych Zwingli and other Protestant Reformers. Protestantism came to be in the 16th century due the many influences in the surrounding world. Martin Luther opposed many of the Catholic Church’s teachings and sought change in the church. Huldrych Zwingli began questioning the Catholic Church in the early 15th century; eventually his ideas began to spread starting the concept of Zwinglism. French theologian, John Calvin his views on theology became popular and came to be known as Calvinism. During the 16th century numerous beliefs which differed from the Catholic Church arose, Lutheranism was the most substantial causes for coming of Protestantism. A series of events caused a domino effect during the period of Protestant …show more content…

He was a well-rounded thinker in the sense that he analyzed social, political and religious aspects of life. He was more political than John Calvin, and more theological than Martin Luther, but was influenced by the two of them. Zwingli was a very well educated sochalar who was not afraid to voice his opinion. He shaired numerous essays and sermons publishing his views on the Catholic Church during the time. Zwingli’s theology of Zwinglism was based heavily on the bible. It differed from the Catholic Church’s lessons as it did not depend on the traditions which were already in place in the Catholic Church. Zwingli’s first public controversy was in 1522, when he attacked the tradition of fasting during Lent. He was against indulgences, praying to saints, and other acts that separated God and man with man. The Swiss scholar also had strong views on celibately in priesthood as well as images in the church. Huldrych Zwingli brought about Zwinglism and his new views during the 15th century and had an effect on the becoming of the Protestantism.

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