Martin Johnson Heade Of Magnolias On Gold Velvet Cloth

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The genre of the painting by Martin Johnson Heade of Magnolias on Gold Velvet Cloth is of a still life painted between1888-1890. The painting depicts a scene from an ordinary, daily life gesture of a bouquet of flowers freshly cut. It shows the different stages of the flowers, from a tightly closed new bloom to a blossom with petals starting to open up to a fully bloomed magnolia with the petals starting to fall away. The aesthetics of the painting uses a natural and simplicity in its content of a few cut flowers laid across a velvet cloth. The unity in the painting is the use of the same flower species and color, background color the same, the cloth color the same, the flowers are all cut and facing the same direction, and all are …show more content…

He would paint art pieces with the sunflowers in various stages of blooming to use in a series of paintings. Martin Heade would do the same with magnolias, paint them in vases or as freshly clipped for groupings in a series of paintings. These artists’ paintings were for viewers to admire for their vivid depiction of nature. The painting of Still Life: Vase with Fifteen Sunflowers is very close to being evenly symmetrical. The different stages of the flower’ blossoms seem to take up the same amount of space on each side. The vase can be divided evenly, also. The horizontal line of the table is equal and anchors the vase of sunflowers. The negative spaces around the flowers and the vase are given equal weight. Van Gogh’s color palette for this painting is restrictive. The painting is mostly done in warm earth hues with some green to enhance the yellow tones. The yellow hues mixed with grays gives the shading for the various browns seeds in the center of the sunflowers. There is shading of yellow on the vase for a texture of …show more content…

They wanted to adorn their homes with painting to give an air of sophistication. At the time the landscape and still life paintings were highly popular. Painting were also being mass produced so the middle and working-class could have the status of owning them. Martin Heade and Vincent van Gogh both lived during this era and mostly likely influenced by what was happening in society which is reflected in many of their paintings. Heade painted many landscapes and still lifes. His paintings resemble a more idealizing of the surrounding landscape he visited. He focused more on the effects of lighting in his paintings. The brush strokes of his paintings are more refined. Van Gogh used a thicker brush stroke to give texture to his paintings which lends a more heaviness to his

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