Marshall Metro High School Case Study

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The case study titled "School Officials from Marshall Metro High School Attempt to Motivate Students & Teachers to Achieve Higher Performance" is about the different ways the school system used to motivate the students to come to school (Kinicki & Williams, 2013, p.405). It is also a good example of how rewards and behavior can affect the outcome of the situation.
The case study starts out with telling you about a simple phone call (Kinicki & Williams, 2013). This call was a wake up call to a habitual late student. This phone call which was early in the morning made the difference in these students day of going to school or not attending at all. The school district is collecting the data of these phone calls to wake the Marshall School officials up as well. The Chicago area won federal money to help improve their "worst performing schools" when it comes to student attendance. So they invested the money in programs that will help them to measure progress. After a year of collecting data they are seeing promising trends. The data that was collected shows that the "average attendance rose 22 points to 75% for the year …show more content…

They offered things as MP3 players and bus passes. This is comparable to an incentive compensation plan (What is incentive compensation?, 2012). Pay the student or reward them base on their results. Which in this case is coming to school. Towards the end of the case study it closes out with the Calhoun Challenge (Kinicki & Williams, 2013). This program is the most successful one they have so far. Ms. Calhoun had seventy four truant students to sign in everyday for six weeks. At first she saw the attendance improve than it trailed off. She realized that short term goals was the best. Ms. Calhoun kept working on the challenges to test variables and to see the response rates. When the program closed out the attendance gap had closed

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