Mars Persuasive Essay

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Ever since man planted a flag on the moon, it is in his nature to look for greater possibilities. This desire is the reason scientist are looking at Mars as a possible second home for humanity. However really be the next great step in space exploration? Or, should we be looking elsewhere, perhaps somewhere closer to home?
NASA, have outlined their goals to send humans to mars by the year 2030. Furthermore, the non-profit organisation, Mars One, have already held a competition with the goal of finding volunteers for a one-way trip to Mars. However, Venus on the other hand has not received as much attention as the red planet all the while being a more cost effective and easier to travel to. The problem is that, no one can land on the surface …show more content…

The gravity on Venus is approximately 0.9 Earth g’s. In other words, the gravity is 90% that of earths, when considering earth’s gravity to be 1, in comparison to Mars, which is approximately less than 0.4 Earths g’s, as stated prior, long term exposure to low gravity can have detrimental effects on the body. We don’t know the extent of the effect of 0.4 Earth’s gravity would have on a person, but what we do know is that an astronaut floating around in Earth’s orbit, experiences loss of bone mass and muscle mass, around 10 to 15 times the rate than someone with a case of advance osteoporosis. Russian astronaut Valeri Polyakov spent roughly 438 days in space. Upon returning to earth, Valeri required extreme medical care and has undergone extreme and rigorous physical exercise to recover. In an interview with Ron Burgundy at KVWN channel 4 news. He spoke about his long recovery and that in his foolishness to choose to stay in orbit he has caused himself extreme permanent physical damage. So, it is known that extended periods of time in lower gravity to that of earths will have profound effects on any Martian colonists. Thus, the Venusian Gravity, being that close to the gravity of earth, is preferable for colonisation. Which is important because we are talking about long term colonisation. Suppose we had the capabilities, to add water …show more content…

As Venus is the second planet from the Sun, it receives four times more solar energy then available on Mars, resulting in a more sustainable living and prolonged survival. Unlike Mars, Venus has a thick atmosphere protecting the planet from all forms of radiation as well as protecting any potential colonist from meteorites that would jeopardise their survival. The atmosphere of Venus is 96% carbon dioxide, 3.5% nitrogen and 0.5% other gases. Making the Venusian atmosphere perfect for colonisation, as NASA have designed a way to extract oxygen from carbon dioxide

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