To What Extent Is Venus Not As Suitable As Earth For Human Life

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1. Why is Venus not as suitable as Earth for human life?
Venus is not as suitable as Earth for human life because Earth has vast quantites of liquid water needed for life, while Venus has a dry surface, although there may have been water at one time. The Earth remains a warm temperature due to the greenhouse effect, which traps radiation from the sun. The temperature on Earth are perfect for sustaining life, while Venus is too hot for life. Even landers that have traveled to Venus on exploration missions have failed after a few hours due to the extreme heat. The atmosphere of Venus is so dense that it would crush a human if they stood on the surface of Venus. Venus is surrounded by a layer of sulfuric acid clouds, which produce acid rain, which …show more content…

What would make Mars a challenging place for humans to live? How may Mars have been different in the past?
Mars would be a challenging place for humans to live because of its dry conditions (lack of water) and cold temperatures. The frequent sandstorms and dust devils whipping across the surface of the planet would also make human existence difficult. Scientists believe that Mars had a think atmosphere in the past. They also think Mars was warmer and may have once contained liquid water.
3. What is present in the atmosphere of all three planets? How do the three planets compare in the amount of this in their atmospheres?
Carbon dioxide is present in the atmosphere of all three planets. Compared to Earth, Venus has about 218,250 more times carbon dioxide, while Mars has about 23 times more carbon dioxide.
4. Why is the level of carbon dioxide on Mars surprising? What explains this?
The level of carbon dioxide on Mars is surprising because the planet is cold, even with the presence of 23 times more carbon dioxide than the Earth. This means sense though, because Mars is much farther away from the sun than the other inner planets, so its levels of carbon dioxide capture much less of the sun’s radiation than that of Venus and Earth.

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