Mars Compare And Contrast

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There are many similarities and differences between Saturn and Mars.We can use a difference to start with. The gravitational force on both planets is very different. To compare the forces, I will use the gravitational force on Earth as the example, since both of the factors are compared to Earth. Mars has a gravitational force that is .38 of Earth’s so If you were 100 pounds on Earth you would be 38 pounds on Mars, but on Saturn you would be 106.4 because it is 1.064… times Earth’s gravitational force, the difference lies in the numbers since the difference is very large. Another example of a difference between the two planets is the geological features. Though Saturn does have mountains, they are found in the inner core while Mars possesses …show more content…

One of those similarities is that they both aren’t ideal for the life of organisms. Some of these characteristics are no oxygen, water, and plenty of things that are bad for life like carbon dioxide, and not having any plants. So there would be no food or water, and there is nothing for life forms to breath so it is nearly impossible for there to be living beings on both planets. Another similarity between mars and Saturn is that they both have longer years compared to Earth. Saturn and Mars have years that last way longer, Saturn has a year as long as 28 years on Earth which is much greater than Earth’s, and Mars has a year that is 687 Earth days long, which is about double an Earth year. Another example of a similarity between both of the planets is that both planets is that they both rotate on their axis. Though the degree they are on their axis are very different they both rotate on their axis to have day and night. Lastly a similarity between both planets is that they both are much colder than Earth. Saturn has an average of -288 degrees fahrenheit and Mars has an average of -88 degrees fahrenheit which is way colder than the temperature on Earth which the lowest we have in spring is 30 degrees fahrenheit. To conclude with both planets are very much alike and different at the same

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