Mark Zuckerberg: Believing In Fate

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By definition, fate refers to “the development of events beyond a person's control, regarded as determined by a supernatural power.” Therefore, believing in fate implies believing in a master plan of some sort, or as stated before, a supernatural power. Fate consists of nothing but a man-made idea created in hopes of helping people to cope with extreme loss, low periods in life, or lazy attitudes. I find it sickening how people dare to say that the greatest men and women in history pioneered in the ways they did because of destiny or fate. Mark Zuckerberg works as the perfect example. He created a social network so revolutionary that it would change the entire modern world to date. Zuckerberg refused to let anything stop him in his path and …show more content…

It’s easy to say that everything happens for a reason because it allows people to avoid taking responsibility for their, and others actions. Believing in fate gives people the option to “go with the flow” believing that whatever comes belongs to some master plan.. If someone loses their job, they instinctively turn to something greater than them in hopes of aid, but the truth is that it is entirely up to said person to get their life back. There is no outside help in life, we all drift alone throughout it, only certain that one day we’ll die and fade into oblivion. leaving our loved ones to grieve over our departure while we turn to dust, missing the rest of the short lifespan of our insignificant planet in the infinite sea of the universe. People seem to feel overwhelmed by the fact that they have pure control of their life, and thus turn to fate to take some of the weight off. Although it gives peace of mind, it also sets these individuals up for failure. Leaving one's life up to the hands of fate could be compared to letting go of the steering wheel and believing that whatever happens is for the best of god's plan. Nothing but a

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