Margaret Atwood Influences

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“War is what happens when language fails,” this sentiment from Margaret Atwood sums up one of her basic beliefs. Margaret Atwood, a Canadian author is full of truth. She envisions a better world for all humankind, including a strong, healthy ecosystem for the planet and freedom with responsibility for all responsible adults. Margaret Atwood presents almost-realistic views of the world in her plot and character development, which the reader often finds too familiar for comfort.
Early Influences
All great writers are influenced by the events of their early years. Ottawa, Canada was the starting point for Margaret Atwood. It might be surprising to learn that Atwood did not attend school full time until she was twelve years old (Carmean). Although most young girls tend to like to keep diaries, or journals, when Atwood was in her middle teens that is when her fascination with writing began in earnest (Carmean). As a sixteen year old, she developed her ideas and convictions about the world as most teens do. Atwood moved around several times when she was young, and then finally attended Victoria College (“Biography”). As a full grown adult Atwood was ready to begin her life.

Major Life Events …show more content…

Atwood believes that all women should be treated equal to men. Her dream is for feminism to become a stronger movement in society with men and women on board (Wagner). Margaret Atwood is devoted to her religion of Humanism, a religion no one really ponders on (Wagner). Atwood returned to Canada in 1967 to work for a University where Margaret Atwood and James Polk then got married in 1968 (Carmean). Margaret Atwood and James Polk were married for five years, and divorced in 1973 (Carmean). Atwood’s dreams, ideas, and opinions on life have established her with great

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