Man's Best Friend

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Man’s Best Friend
One of the most hotly debated topics between pet owners has been the differences between cats and dogs. This is because each of these pets offers its own unique qualities that millions of people love. As someone who has owned both cats and dogs for many years, I appreciate many of the different qualities of these two animals. Both exhibit their own unique qualities that people need to take into account when choosing between them; however, I believe dogs are the better pet because they are more sociable, smarter, and more loyal to their owners.
The first reason dogs are more superior than cats is because the dog is a more sociable animal. A dog’s natural tendency is to be a part of a pack, leading a social, outgoing life. Every day that I come home from a hard day at college I know that my dog will be at the door ready to welcome me with affection. Dogs have been bred over time to assist people with hunting and other tasks. This causes dogs to be closer with the humans around them whom the dog views as a safe source for shelter and food.
Cats are just the opposite when it comes to being social with humans. It’s true that a cat will be affectionate with people, but that usually means that cats will only come to people when the feline wants something that the owner has to offer. Like any animal, cats mostly want food, so owners will have to endure long stretches in between meal times when their cat want nothing to do with them. Rarely a cat will approach people wanting to play, and I can never recall a cat dropping a ball at my feet begging to play a game of catch. One cat that I had in the past, I tried to play with by throwing a jingling ball with a bell inside of it, but she would just give me a look that I tran...

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...d been away for only a few minutes.
The debate between cats and dogs has been raging for a long time. Dogs are a more loving and loyal pet than the cat. I am convinced that dogs are a more superior pet to own because in the end they will give more back in the long run than a cat ever will. This debate will continue to rage as long as the most popular pets continue to be the cat and dog. There are many unique traits to each animal that make them good pets in their own way. I admit that I have only touched upon a few of the more commons traits that I prefer in dogs and some that I don’t like from the cat. In the end a pet owner has to choose the pet that compliments them. A cat is a perfect choice for people who want a low maintenance pet that they can basically ignore and be ignored in returned, but for people who want a loyal friend then the dog is the better pet.

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