Malintzin The Conquest Summary

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Malintzin had an important role in the ancient history and colonization of Latin America. She would come from just a simple girl and slave, to become one of the significant women of the Spanish colonization of the indigenous natives in the New World. She managed to obtain that position by helping translate for the helped for the Spanish conquistadors and Hernando Cortés himself. She was then viewed as a traitor by the indigenous people and her people (Nahua). With minimal and, often, conflicting documentation of Malintzin’s life, historians have found it difficult to piece together her true involvement in the conquest of Mexico. In many ways, Townsend retells the conquest through the eyes of the indigenous people, more specifically Malintzin. …show more content…

First, it must be addressed that Malintzin fell into the hands of slave traders at a young age. It was difficult to determine the exact circumstances of Malintzin’s enslavement, Townsend examines multiple situations in which female slaves were commonly sold or captured. Malintzin had owed complete loyalty to her former people. Even if the Nahua people did not play a role in Malintzin’s transition into slavery, she was removed from her culture at a rather young age. Townsend also highlights the danger and unpredictability of Malintzin’s predicament as a slave in strangers’ hands. Malintzin could not have predicted the intentions of the Spanish in respect to her future. Hoping to preserve her life and possibly improve her quality of life as a slave, Malintzin made herself useful to the Spanish. Utilizing her knowledge of indigenous language, she audaciously stepped forward to translate between Cortés and Moctezuma, the Aztec ruler. “Malintzin could have remained silent. No one expected her to step forward and serve as a conduit. But by the end of that hour, she had made her value felt” (41). Malintzin’s boldness not only protected her from the Spanish, but also raised her status to that of the nobles. Townsend further validates her opinion of Malintzin by stressing Malintzin’s desire to protect the indigenous

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