Macbeth: The Force of Evil

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In Shakespeare’s play “Macbeth”, Macbeth was once a loyal knight in his king’s army, but he transforms into a greedy felon. Shakespeare shows that greed can be a person’s demise. Macbeth is true to this statement because he lets the greed to be king engulf him; he blatantly executes malicious deeds to make true his fate foretold by the three witches. Macbeth is gullible/naïve for the witch’s prophecies, ambitious to be king, and is influenced by external forces. Macbeth hears that he is prophesied to be king, and lets his bad judgment take over. Macbeth relies on the witches’ prophecies to tell him of his future and what danger is to come. Macbeth is naïve because he takes the prophecies as he hears them: “All hail Macbeth! You’ll be king one day” (Macbeth, Act I, Scene III, 50). Macbeth takes it into his own hands and kills the king. After Macbeth is crowned he heads back to the witches to make sure his title is secure. The witches give him four apparitions: “Beware Macduff!”(Macbeth, Act IV, scene I, 72), “Nobody born of woman shall harm Macbeth” (Macbeth, Act IV, scene I, 80),”...

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