Macbeth: Degress of Evil

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Biography: William Shakespeare's Macbeth tells the story of a man who would be king. And he is the king, because he murders. Him and his wife murder to get their way. This works greatly for them, until they are questioned, and their guilt sets in. The task for this paper was to compare the Macbeth's to two people who did great evil to accomplish good. IE: Adolf Hitler and Osama bin Laden, whom were used in this essay.

Evil is to be morally wrong, bad, wicked, and a whole bunch of other synonyms that all boil into one pot. There is so much to this word that it’s almost impossible to pinpoint someone as truly evil. To be evil for no other reason than to be evil would be the worst possible evil. Adolf Hitler and Osoma bin Laden believe the evil they committed was justified by God, or some higher power. Macbeth and Lady Macbeth, from the play by Shakespeare, were not evil because they wanted to be, they did it for a greater good.
In the play Macbeth and his wife (Lady Macbeth) murder King Duncan and Banquo, Macbeth’s good friend, so that Macbeth will become Kind. It could be said that Macbeth becomes more feminine after these murders, for he feels more guilt than his wife; she feels nothing has happened that is wrong, and it is in Macbeth’s destiny judged by the witches. Macbeth’s femininity is shown in the third Act, when he conjures a hallucination of a ghost of Banquo in his mind, sitting in his chair at the head of the table after Macbeth is cr...

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