Macaws Persuasive Essay

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There are at least seventeen species of macaws, and several of the species are in danger of being killed in the rainforest. Most macaws cost over one thousand dollars to have them as pets. Many macaws are illegal to trap or kill in the rain forest. Sadly, a lot of people do capture them from the rainforest for pets so they do not have to buy them. The rain forest homes that have so much macaws living in them are dying or getting captured at a very high speed. The glaucous and spix macaws may already be extinct in the rainforest (“Macaws”). The colorful feathers of a macaw are suited to blend in with the forest’s colorful flowers and fruits and the green canopies; it is almost like they are camouflaging.
The largest of Macaws normally weigh …show more content…

Macaws also attack people, especially a stranger to the parrot. They are vigorous chewers and will want to chew on anything they find. They sometimes chew wires, which may cause house fires, chairs, and carpets. If the parrot does do this, you MUST make sure they are punished, or they will do it until the house is a pile of ashes. Give the parrots fresh branches, and wooden toys to chew on (“Macaw Facts”). Macaws have such beautiful feathers because they are trying to attract a male or female to mate with. The colorful feathers come from the tissues of the macaw. Male birds are usually more colorful than females, but most macaw species both genders are very colorful.
The Buffon’s macaw, which is mostly green, has two to four eggs in twenty-five to twenty-seven days. Ara araraunas macaw, which is blue and gold, has one to four eggs in twenty-four to twenty-seven days. The ara macaomacaw, which is rainbow colored, has one to three eggs in twenty-six to twenty-eight days. Baby macaws stay with their parents about four to five months, or when they start to grow feathers, depending on the species. Parent macaws spend most, if not all their time on feeding their babies, repositioning them, and giving them water

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