MRI Scan

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One of the biggest contributors to medical and neurological research is the advance of computers and technology. One such advance is the development of the MRI scan. This magnetic resonance imaging scanner has allowed medical professionals to study the brain and nervous system in much more detail. In 2009 a study was carried out by doctors at Washington University School of Medicine in S.t Louis identifying how brain function develops with age. This ongoing study is a baseline on how to support children best in early years with their cognitive development, which is also being used in the study of autism.
It has been found that children’s brains are much more active than an adults and the brain of a three year old is two and a half times more …show more content…

The neurons necessary for brain function are located here but are still not connected until the baby grows, which then carry information back and forth the brain. Neurons are different to other egg shaped cells in the body in that they have tentacles, this allows them to clasp on to one another, creating pathways. In the period after birth, these connections or ‘Synapses’ grow which allows the baby to develop several significant milestones and by the time they are two years of age the brain has developed on average one hundred trillion synapses. Everything a child learns is stored in the neurons, which creates a path across the synapses, which is continually strengthened by repetition.
These tentacles are covered in a ‘Myelin sheath’ which is necessary for the transmission of electrical impulses across the nerves. Due to the brain containing very little Myelin at birth, there is not much activity in this area however, as the baby develops so does its sense organs. This then leads to the development of other more complex areas of the brain such as memories, feelings and thought processes. This myelination process usually begins within the first two years of life and in some areas, such as frontal and temporal lobe, the process extends through

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