MCCRC: A Case Study Of Mrs. Baker's Case

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SUBJECTIVE Mrs. Baker seen in MCCRC on 03/02/2018. She is eating her lunch and doing quite well. She has become much less of a nuisance to other residents, is not at all loud. Does not want into rooms nearly as frequently, it maybe because the ones that are most sensitive to this intrusion have left. She has been on Risperdal 0.25 in the morning, 2:00 p.m. and twice that dose at bedtime as well as a small dose of Depakote as a mood stabilizer. She is on ranitidine for GERD that had been problematic. She is not on an antidepressant that would account for better appetite. She has gained 2 pounds. On the negative side, her hemoglobin remains at 9.9 with an MCV of 104. Her TSH again was 0.05 and a free T4 was 1.6 with her upper limits

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