Lucy Montgomery Research Paper

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After a grueling and torturous two months of preparing for the Remembrance Day assembly, we were then told to write a four page reflection on our experiences – while it was still “fresh in our minds.” Not one page, not two, but four. In fact, I got so disinterested while writing this, I began reading about Lucy Maud Montgomery’s 141st birthday, and this is coming from someone who has never even seen – let alone read – a copy of Anne of Green Gables. Let’s start at the very beginning: I, as a normally shy person who would much rather prefer to work on projects independently rather than with a class, had to organize a colossal assembly alongside forty-or-so something students that would honour those who sacrificed themselves in war. Let’s …show more content…

While changing, I realized my abdomen felt like it had a mind of its own. Why did it feel like I was wearing a corset that was too many strings too tight? Was a snake coiling itself around my waist? Is my appendix exploding? Am I dying? Geez, I’m only fifteen years old and I’m already on the brink of death. I then proceeded to tell my conscious to “shut up” and to “put a sock in it.” I simply took a deep breath, swallowed my chunks of vomit that was threatening to come spewing out and flung open the door of the change room. And was greeted by someone with their pants around their ankles, baring their pasty white derrière for the whole world to see, mooning everyone who was unfortunate enough to be in the proximity of the Butt™. Kidding. Anyways, as I was standing on stage, with the bright lights shining upon me, I panicked. Since it was a last-minute casting call, I had to read the lines from a prop – a newspaper - that was clandestinely hidden away from the audience. It was all quite surreal, but I believe that I totally bombed the performance with my monotone voice, lack of eye contact and unenthusiastic tone – which was a common coping mechanism of mine during stressful situations. When my scene was over, I went about picking up the props from the stage, all the while kicking myself for my

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