Loyalty In The Film 'Freaks'

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The film “Freaks” and the story “Spurs” both had an affective theme, however one theme is better than the other. The film “Freaks” displays a theme of loyalty, friendship, and confidence. “The film blurred out abnormality and immorality,” according to Doug Cummins essay (source B). The story “Spurs” displays a theme of disloyalty and selfishness. Both pieces of work display different themes for different reasons.
In the film “Spurs” “people from hoboes to sideshow tramps, finds beauty not in the physically whole, but in authentic pinheads, armless women, legless men, Siamese twins, and others give the film its title.” (Source E) “Freaks” is a film that shows abnormal people being there for each other no matter what. In the film, Cleo wanted to marry Hanz for his inheritance even though her true love is Hercules. All of the freaks came together to defend Hanz and let Cleo know what being a freak is truly like. Hanz betrayed the freaks, however the freaks still defended him and hoarded off the normal, selfish cleo who was taking advantage of him. Also in the film, the freaks chant to Cleo “Gooble gobble, one of us” - an invitation she frantically declines.(Source A) Cleo clearly doesn’t want to be a freak. …show more content…

Jeanne Marie makes fun of Jacques because he is so small and Simon, which is Jeanne’s true lover gets killed by Jacques. After all of this happens Jeanne and Jacques continue to be married and carry on with their lives. The theme in this story compares nothing to the film. Jeanne only wanted Jacques for his money, which is extremely selfish. The whole story is about

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