Love In The Gospel Of John Summary

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Book Review: Love in The Gospel of John: an Exegetical, Theological, and Literary Study

Francis J. Moloney serves currently as Senior Professorial Fellow at Australian Catholic University, and a visiting professor at the Dominican School of Philosophy and Theology, in Berkeley, CA, USA. With License holding degrees in theology and Scripture from Rome, and a doctorate from Oxford University (1976), Father Moloney has proven himself as a prominent authority on many biblical topics, especially the Gospel of Mark and the Gospel of John. He is a professor, author, lecturer, inspirer and most important a man of the Scriptures. In this current work, he brings to readers an established study of the love theme in the Gospel of John. Love in the Gospel of John by Francis J. Moloney is a scholarly study, but it is not written at a level that dismisses genuine, cautious readers. Many messages offered by Moloney from this gospel exposes the reader to a better understanding of the instructions which he believes are the foundation of the book.

Chapter Evaluations
Moloney notes in the Preface that several scholars have studied this love theme in John against the backdrop of love found elsewhere in the NT, especially in the Synoptic Gospels. It seems, as is recorded in the Synoptics that Jesus’ tie together of the commandment found in Deuteronomy 6:4-5 and the second …show more content…

The first position analyses the Johannine epistles, uncovering which love themes are comparable to those of the Fourth Gospel and which are different. The second position Moloney favorably bands around and raises the question first introduced at the beginning of this book: Does the narrow focus of love in John betray the fact that this community has turned inward and forged a path toward sectarianism? In any case, there is a move from loving God, one’s neighbor, and even one’s enemies to “a passionate command…and prayer…that the disciples love one

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