Love In John Donne's 'But Trepidation Of The Spheres'

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In contrast, in the next two lines Donne describes the love he shares with his wife comparing it to moving planets “But trepidation of the spheres”. Using this metaphor he managed to grasp the true meaning of the kind of love they share, a love that is not of the earth like in those lovers who seek physical contact, but a love that is spiritual, heavenly, somewhat “out of this world”, a love close to God. As planets rotate around the Sun they cause great effects on people. We may not notice, hear or see them but they do happen, far away from the eyes of the beholder. And the love that Donne and his wife share is like the movement of the spheres, it is of great importance, silent and not visible to the naked eye, but it is there, in a spiritual form, a connection of souls. We can connect the movement of the spheres to the natural science of mathematics as we did with the previous text. The planets create circles as they rotate around the sun. Circles present perfection and infinity so the space that is created between the Sun and the spheres represents the love that the husband and ...

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