Love And Hate In Jamestown Summary

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I was given the opportunity to review a book in the time period of my American history class and decided to choose this little book called Love and Hate in Jamestown: John Smith, Pocahontas, and the Start of a New Nation. It was well written by author named David A. Price. He’s a native of the Virginia area and has written for many publications such as Wall Street Journal, Washington Post and Forbes. Price also has degrees from Harvard, Cambridge, and College of William and Mary. Besides this book, he also has a well written book called The Pixar Touch which goes into Pixar Studios. Enough about the author, let’s get to the meat of this review, which is the book itself. In this book of Jamestown, Price really shows his true reasoning for writing this book. …show more content…

He talks about how Smiths strength and weaknesses had profound effects on Jamestown. What was an interesting fact about Smith, he actually arrived into the colony as a common prisoner and was still able to achieve a leadership role. Smith’s amazing creativity and knowledge in certain areas was what actually saved the colony from starvation and attacks. He gain support with his ability to deal with the native people. Price then goes into detail of describing the people that came here with John Smith. There were no women and the ships were not filled with many soldiers or hardworking men. Instead many of these men that came he with Smith were members of a class from England known as the Gentlemen. They relied on there their titles in life to make there selves wealthy. There main issue was they didn’t know the true value of hard work. This here set the platform for issues to arise. Coming to this new outpost, Smith failed to successfully lead these gentleman, and soon adopted the policy that of one does not work, does not eat. With this strong policy, along with his abilities in addressing, leadership, and organization, he was able to avoid massive failure in

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