Early Jamestown Dbq Essay

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America, it has always had everything we need, except for when colonists flocked in the early 1600´s. Its 1609, you and a group of people have been on a boat for months. Now you aren't even sure if the America's exist. But once you lost every single drop of hope, you see it. A beautiful swampy land. This place makes you feel like you have a lot of opportunities, there’s a river, a lot of wildlife, and not that many Native’s around. It seems perfect, that’s what people that saw posters of Jamestown thought in England. Jamestown seemed, perfect, appeared perfect… In the first few years of Jamestown, the colonists experienced the “Starving Time.” The starving time was a period of hunger and disease, it lasted approximately 5 years, from 1609-1614. …show more content…

In Document C, there is a chart that lists all the jobs that the settlers had. They appeared to be prepared, they had every job needed, except for farmers, doctors, and soldiers of course. These 3 jobs could have saved so many lives, such how the farmers that knew how to grow food, unlike gentlemen who had no experience with crops. Another important job that they forgot about was doctors, doctors could have saved lives by treating sick people, but the colonists did not bring a doctor(s), they brought one surgeon, just one. Surgeons are not used to treating diseases, they cut people open, and they treat conditions related to that. Soldiers might also not have been needed, if they had good relations with the Natives, but soldiers could have helped defend the colonists, not gentlemen. Another reason why so many colonists died was because of their relations with the Native Americans. If they did not cut people’s heads of (Document D) because they didn’t want to trade, maybe they could of got some food. They also went through a series of 3 wars with the Powhatan Natives. The first war lasted from 1610-1614 (4 years) which really affected the colonists during the Starving time. If they did not massacre the Natives, maybe they could've traded for

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