Loud Music Case Studies

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On Friday, August 18th, at approximately 4:44 PM, Resident Assistant Grace Adams received a phone call that there was loud music coming from 4A9 in East Residence Hall. RA Grace proceeded to find the dorm and knock on its door; after this, she heard the sound of bottles clinking. When one of the residents answered the door, RA Grace introduced herself and asked the rooms' residents to turn down their music since she had received a complaint. RA Grace then stated that she heard the sound of glass bottles. She then asked if she could enter the room, and the resident obliged. RA Grace then asked if she could search the room, and asked one of the residents (Spencer Alexander) to search under his bed. When Spencer did this, he pulled out a bottle …show more content…

Next, RA Grace notified Sean McGovern (Guest), Stephen Doolittle (Dilworth), Spencer Alexander (East 4A9), and Alexandra Wear (East 4A9) that due to their loud music during "Quiet Hours" and presence of and consumption of alcohol by those who are under the age of twenty-one, RA Grace would be documenting the situation; the four people present would receive an email from a member of the professional staff, and would have a meeting with said staff member in the near future. Sean asked RA Grace what the area coordinator does, and Grace told him that the area coordinator notifies their parents of the incident. RA Grace proceeded to ask the students for their IDs; Stephen, Spencer, and Alexandra obliged, but Sean stated that he did not have identification on his person. When RA Grace informed him that campus policy requires her to get the on-call area coordinator to come to the room when a student does not have his or her identification during a confrontation, Sean found his student ID. Once RA Grace wrote down all the necessary information from the student IDs, she gave them back to the

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