Loss Of Innocence In Catcher In The Rye

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Innocence. Is it important to protect it? Is there a way to avoid losing it? As its title implies, the dominating theme of The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger is the protection of innocence, especially that of children. Continually implied by the presence of Allie’s spirit (Holden Caulfield’s younger brother who lost his life as a child). Holden is The Catcher in the Rye because he feels as if he needs to catch others that are jumping into maturity (death) of childhood to save them . This theme is displayed throughout the novel with the use of both symbolism and setting. The Catcher in the Rye presents the idea that the loss of innocence is a form of death. For many, growing up can feel like the death of one’s innocence without a doubt, …show more content…

Holden purchases this foolish looking cap on the morning he loses something important (fencing equipment). This shows that Holden is fascinated by things that are unusual.Which again proves his undermined innocence. Holden states “I put on this hat that I’d bought in New York that morning. It was this red hunting hat, with one of those very, very long peaks.” This statement made by Caulfield demonstrates the unusual wonder for such a kid like hat. He goes on to say “ I saw it in the window of this sports store when we got out of the subway, just after I noticed I'd lost all the goddam foils. It only cost me a buck. The way I wore it, I swung the old peak way around to the back—very corny, I'll admit, but I liked it that way. I looked good in it that way.” (Salinger 33) In saying this, Caulfield reaches for comfort in a childish hat. A hat that could seem ridiculous to most but if worn by a child, the innocence shields the judging of …show more content…

Such as Allie’s baseball glove and Holden’s red hunting cap. To better illustrate the importance of the baseball mitt which belonged to the late Allie Caulfield one must first understand the uniqueness it holds. The glove is left as a physical representation of Allie. With its scribbled poems in green ink and the actual fact that the glove is not a catcher’s mitt, but a fielder’s glove. The poems written on the mitt hold a sense of optimism yet an almost tragic hope due to the mitt’s discarded use. Just the color of the ink could represent vitality and life. However the hurt from the death of Holden’s younger brother has affected him to the point of

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