Lord Of The Flies Conch Analysis

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The conch shell is a very important symbol, it has a big part throughout the whole novel. It represents power, respect, and Piggy. Power because when Ralph blows it, it had the power to summon the others. Respect as in the boys disagreed with the rules but they never harmed the conch. Piggy since he was keeping everyone and everything civilized, like the conch. Almost everything was under control, once Ralph was chief. He had the most power seeing that he could call assemblies and could interrupt anyone with the conch; It determined who had the right to speak at the assemblies, for example, “‘He can hold it when he’s speaking... And won’t be interrupted. Except by me.’” (31). This proves that he who holds the conch has the right to speak. Furthermore, the conch lost power once the boys started to become savages, though it still controlled them somewhat. …show more content…

The conch was part of most rules, that Jack disagreed with, but he would still acknowledge what it was worth. For instance “He laid the conch with great care in the grass at his feet.”(140). This verifies that even though Jack disagrees with the rules he still respected the conch. The conch was threatened to be broken a few times but no one dared to destroy it. Piggy and the conch were the only things that kept civilization between almost everyone. But the boulder that Roger rolls onto Piggy also crushes the conch shell. That was when everything became chaotic. Like so “The rock struck Piggy a glancing blow from chin to knee; the conch exploded into a thousand white fragments and ceased to exist… Suddenly Jack bounded out from the tribe and began screaming wildly.” (200-201). Therefore the conch was keeping the boys civilized. After they were both vanished, there was nothing to remind the boys what civilization

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