Lord Of The Flies Conch Symbolism

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In the beginning of the story, the conch symbolizes civilization. The conch is used to bring the boys together. In the very beginning of the story, Ralph blows the conch in order to signal anyone else who may be on the island. The conch is also how the boys decide Ralph should be the leader, since he holds the conch. Later on, the conch is used to keep order within the boys. The boys decide that whoever holds the conch will be allowed to speak during assemblies. During the assemblies, the boy who holds the conch may speak, while everyone else must stay silent. During the first assembly, there was chaos between the boys. With all of the boys attempting to speak at the same time, Jack finally speaks up, “I’ll give the conch to the next person …show more content…

Throughout the story the conch had been used to keep the boys together and to keep order between them. They would blow the conch in order to bring everyone together and only the one holding the conch would be allowed to speak at assemblies. Slowly, the boys started to act more as savages and lose civilization. As the boys begin to use the conch less and less, their civilization declines. Jack and his tribe of boys leave Piggy and Ralph and go out to hunt. They begin to lose sight of what is really important, which is working together and getting rescued. Piggy suggests Ralph blow the conch in order to call them back. Jack responds by saying, “If I blow the conch and they don’t come back; then we’ve had it. We shan’t keep the fire going. We’ll be like animals. We’ll never be rescued,” (92). Ralph begins to lose hope of getting rescued. The boys have become savages and do not come back when Ralph blows the conch. When the boys ignore the conch, civilization decreases as the boys become savages. The conch was used to keep the boys together, and now that they are ignoring it they have lost most civilization and become savages. Jack later says "We don't need the conch anymore." (101-102). The conch is slowly losing its value to the boys. With the conch losing its value with the boys, their civilization slowly decreases. The conch was the only form of civilization the boys had

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